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Date | MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN |
01 Jan 17 to 01 Jan 17 | ## | ||||||
02 Jan 17 to 08 Jan 17 | 260-80-389 | 224-86-268 | 449-76-268 | 789-46-259 | 780-58-260 | 158-48-170 | ## |
09 Jan 17 to 15 Jan 17 | 189-84-446 | 379-98-567 | 578-00-578 | 356-49-234 | 457-66-367 | 116-84-257 | ## |
16 Jan 17 to 22 Jan 17 | 349-62-345 | 560-14-167 | 112-45-140 | 589-24-239 | 127-05-159 | 459-82-390 | ## |
23 Jan 17 to 29 Jan 17 | 168-59-667 | 245-18-378 | 234-99-667 | ***-**-*** | 268-65-267 | 557-78-260 | ## |
30 Jan 17 to 05 Feb 17 | 138-22-390 | 389-08-468 | 478-96-123 | 670-31-236 | 250-75-249 | 380-10-136 | ## |
06 Feb 17 to 12 Feb 17 | 357-53-148 | 147-22-589 | 469-96-178 | 159-56-358 | 390-24-446 | 346-32-147 | ## |
13 Feb 17 to 19 Feb 17 | 335-10-226 | 450-94-158 | 360-91-579 | 135-94-400 | 490-32-679 | 670-35-249 | ## |
20 Feb 17 to 26 Feb 17 | 238-35-366 | 159-58-279 | 689-35-267 | 467-73-148 | 569-04-680 | 356-45-889 | ## |
27 Feb 17 to 05 Mar 17 | 125-82-138 | 378-89-469 | 239-43-779 | 167-43-355 | 158-47-557 | 579-16-330 | ## |
06 Mar 17 to 12 Mar 17 | 688-22-480 | 590-46-277 | 130-46-169 | 238-35-456 | 460-01-579 | 356-40-235 | ## |
13 Mar 17 to 19 Mar 17 | ***-**-*** | 350-81-344 | 147-22-200 | 390-25-267 | 160-70-488 | 577-95-168 | ## |
20 Mar 17 to 26 Mar 17 | 256-30-280 | 159-52-200 | 189-86-240 | 459-81-290 | 678-11-579 | 358-61-560 | ## |
27 Mar 17 to 02 Apr 17 | 230-57-188 | 399-12-499 | 668-06-277 | 236-18-567 | 367-65-159 | 347-42-200 | ## |
03 Apr 17 to 09 Apr 17 | 470-16-240 | 469-93-256 | 236-11-470 | 347-42-345 | 445-35-339 | 558-87-223 | ## |
10 Apr 17 to 16 Apr 17 | 469-93-346 | 459-82-660 | 168-57-160 | 468-81-146 | 168-58-369 | 245-17-160 | ## |
17 Apr 17 to 23 Apr 17 | 180-99-234 | 139-38-800 | 234-92-129 | 169-66-367 | 560-10-127 | 358-68-170 | ## |
24 Apr 17 to 30 Apr 17 | 450-98-800 | 456-59-135 | 690-56-448 | 357-58-459 | 488-06-556 | 480-28-378 | ## |
01 May 17 to 07 May 17 | 136-05-456 | 890-77-368 | 679-28-125 | 380-14-789 | 490-33-247 | 180-92-138 | ## |
08 May 17 to 14 May 17 | 136-01-290 | 124-79-270 | 124-76-349 | 134-89-333 | 468-87-160 | 290-17-250 | ## |
15 May 17 to 21 May 17 | 156-28-189 | 270-94-455 | 468-86-466 | 279-80-488 | 345-25-500 | 257-46-349 | ## |
22 May 17 to 28 May 17 | 458-77-890 | 338-42-129 | 159-58-558 | 149-42-679 | 122-51-579 | 356-45-267 | ## |
29 May 17 to 04 Jun 17 | 357-52-156 | 124-75-168 | 478-91-579 | 120-34-789 | 370-03-120 | 789-41-344 | ## |
05 Jun 17 to 11 Jun 17 | 569-06-790 | 558-84-347 | 190-04-257 | 155-10-569 | 899-60-145 | 880-69-135 | ## |
12 Jun 17 to 18 Jun 17 | 134-86-600 | 569-01-380 | 130-41-227 | 223-71-489 | 178-60-550 | 390-27-368 | ## |
19 Jun 17 to 25 Jun 17 | 279-88-170 | 567-89-469 | 129-28-116 | 556-64-149 | 149-49-667 | 188-74-590 | ## |
26 Jun 17 to 02 Jul 17 | 457-61-245 | 499-22-246 | 190-06-268 | 157-32-390 | 260-88-170 | ## | ## |
03 Jul 17 to 09 Jul 17 | 458-78-378 | 456-55-267 | 256-35-500 | 670-32-138 | 144-95-889 | 570-24-167 | ## |
10 Jul 17 to 16 Jul 17 | 479-04-590 | 167-46-600 | 370-02-129 | 478-97-890 | 460-07-368 | 145-09-379 | ## |
17 Jul 17 to 23 Jul 17 | 123-67-124 | 190-04-789 | 677-00-334 | 790-69-667 | 200-22-138 | 123-67-458 | ## |
24 Jul 17 to 30 Jul 17 | 590-43-256 | 234-98-440 | 579-15-168 | 135-91-137 | 220-43-580 | 260-86-466 | ## |
31 Jul 17 to 06 Aug 17 | 178-62-499 | 269-73-139 | 699-49-667 | 345-28-567 | 345-22-156 | 359-73-580 | ## |
07 Aug 17 to 13 Aug 17 | 790-67-179 | 450-91-470 | 790-67-458 | 370-00-479 | 990-88-288 | 256-39-450 | ## |
14 Aug 17 to 20 Aug 17 | 468-86-240 | ***-**-*** | 348-57-890 | 270-92-570 | 238-34-130 | 248-46-123 | ## |
21 Aug 17 to 27 Aug 17 | 125-80-550 | 368-77-278 | 115-79-144 | 140-55-456 | 360-94-356 | 340-77-269 | ## |
28 Aug 17 to 03 Sep 17 | 148-38-800 | 150-61-489 | 280-03-788 | 479-06-457 | 669-14-789 | 159-52-336 | ## |
04 Sep 17 to 10 Sep 17 | 249-57-278 | 358-63-670 | 258-56-367 | 147-26-114 | 560-10-578 | 178-62-570 | ## |
11 Sep 17 to 17 Sep 17 | 446-40-334 | 127-02-570 | 457-61-155 | 288-83-670 | 577-95-339 | 560-13-238 | ## |
18 Sep 17 to 24 Sep 17 | 177-53-670 | 127-01-245 | 668-02-679 | 160-73-238 | 280-02-480 | 670-36-178 | ## |
25 Sep 17 to 01 Oct 17 | 456-58-468 | 457-61-560 | 346-39-180 | 170-81-579 | 335-18-567 | 344-15-258 | ## |
02 Oct 17 to 08 Oct 17 | 480-27-188 | 469-91-146 | 780-52-345 | 458-76-150 | 699-47-278 | 124-79-234 | ## |
09 Oct 17 to 15 Oct 17 | 249-55-140 | 278-74-680 | 570-26-150 | 480-22-589 | 120-32-156 | 569-06-358 | ## |
16 Oct 17 to 22 Oct 17 | ***-**-*** | ***-**-*** | ***-**-*** | ***-**-*** | ***-**-*** | ***-**-*** | ## |
23 Oct 17 to 29 Oct 17 | ***-**-*** | ***-**-*** | 550-03-148 | 788-38-477 | 459-83-139 | 370-03-490 | ## |
30 Oct 17 to 05 Nov 17 | 113-53-139 | 122-56-169 | 234-91-678 | 680-41-137 | 149-43-148 | 377-73-580 | ## |
06 Nov 17 to 12 Nov 17 | 160-71-579 | 678-10-677 | 770-49-180 | 479-02-129 | 680-48-189 | 189-85-690 | ## |
13 Nov 17 to 19 Nov 17 | 280-03-670 | 689-39-360 | 360-97-890 | 229-38-189 | 366-56-457 | 125-89-469 | ## |
20 Nov 17 to 26 Nov 17 | 460-07-269 | 478-99-234 | 359-71-236 | 124-71-137 | 240-65-780 | 570-22-129 | ## |
27 Nov 17 to 03 Dec 17 | 248-41-560 | 258-58-260 | 577-90-389 | 360-95-230 | 478-91-470 | 579-18-369 | ## |
04 Dec 17 to 10 Dec 17 | 588-17-467 | 346-33-238 | 348-55-258 | 257-48-224 | 134-83-346 | 357-54-680 | ## |
11 Dec 17 to 17 Dec 17 | 699-40-244 | 149-40-677 | 249-59-469 | 240-60-226 | 233-85-690 | 150-68-990 | ## |
18 Dec 17 to 24 Dec 17 | 136-06-457 | 155-11-669 | 790-63-139 | 369-81-380 | 239-49-360 | 889-53-229 | ## |
25 Dec 17 to 31 Dec 17 | 349-68-350 | 167-42-589 | 199-96-178 | 477-88-350 | ## | ## | ## |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo ipsa impedit voluptatem accusamus ullam culpa necessitatibus voluptate dolores perspiciatis! Laudantium est recusandae expedita enim? Dolorum atque ipsum in sequi error!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo ipsa impedit voluptatem accusamus ullam culpa necessitatibus voluptate dolores perspiciatis! Laudantium est recusandae expedita enim? Dolorum atque ipsum in sequi error!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo ipsa impedit voluptatem accusamus ullam culpa necessitatibus voluptate dolores perspiciatis! Laudantium est recusandae expedita enim? Dolorum atque ipsum in sequi error!
Kalyan Satta is a well-known betting game in India that has captivated the interest of many gambling enthusiasts. It is part of the larger Satta Matka system, a form of lottery-based gambling that involves betting on numbers. This article will explore the basics of Kalyan Satta, including its origins, rules, impact, legal status, and more.
The Satta Matka system originated in the 1960s, starting as a form of betting on the opening and closing rates of cotton traded on the New York Cotton Exchange. Over time, this practice evolved into a more organized form of gambling on random numbers. Kalyan Satta is one of the earliest and most popular variations that emerged from this system, offering a unique and exciting betting experience.
Kalyan Satta has developed its own identity within the broader Satta Matka framework. It retains the core principles of number betting but incorporates specific rules and practices that distinguish it from other variations. The game has gained widespread popularity, especially in the western parts of India, and continues to attract a large number of players.
Kalyan Satta involves betting on numbers ranging from 0 to 99. The game typically includes a daily draw, known as the "Kalyan" result. These numbers are drawn randomly, often from a matka (earthen pot) or other methods to ensure fairness and unpredictability.
Participants in Kalyan Satta choose a number or a combination of numbers and place their bets. The amount of money bet can vary widely, from small sums to significant amounts, depending on the player's risk tolerance and confidence. The winnings are based on the odds assigned to the chosen numbers, with some combinations offering higher payouts due to their lower probability of occurring.
The results of Kalyan Satta are announced at specific times during the day. The winning numbers are shared through various channels such as local agents, websites, and mobile apps. If a player's chosen number matches the drawn number, they win a predetermined amount, often many times their original bet.
The legality of Kalyan Satta, like other forms of Satta Matka, is a complex issue. Indian gambling laws, mainly the Public Gambling Act of 1867, prohibit running or managing a public gambling house. However, the enforcement and interpretation of these laws vary by state.
Some states have strict rules against gambling, while others are more lenient, allowing certain forms of betting under controlled conditions. Kalyan Satta often operates in a legal grey area, with authorities occasionally cracking down on operators and players.
The promise of quick and significant earnings has made Kalyan Satta popular, but it also has negative effects. The game can lead to major financial losses, creating a cycle of debt and addiction for players. This can have broader societal consequences, including family problems and involvement in criminal activities.
For some, Kalyan Satta offers an alternative source of income, although it is highly unstable and risky. Betting amounts can range from modest sums to significant wagers, affecting both individual finances and the local economy. The informal nature of the game means that winnings are usually untaxed, creating a shadow economy with significant untracked financial flows.
The psychological impact of Kalyan Satta is substantial. The excitement of gambling can lead to addiction, with players repeatedly betting in hopes of recovering losses or securing a big win. This compulsive behavior can result in severe personal and family problems. However, occasional wins can provide a temporary boost in self-esteem and financial relief, perpetuating the cycle of gambling.
The internet has significantly changed Kalyan Satta, making it more accessible than ever. Many websites and mobile apps now facilitate online betting, offering convenience and anonymity to a broader audience. These platforms have expanded the game's reach, attracting a diverse group of participants.
While the digitalization of Kalyan Satta has increased its accessibility, it has also raised concerns about security and regulation. Online gambling can expose players to risks such as fraud and data breaches. Additionally, the lack of strict regulatory oversight means that players have limited options if they encounter disputes or dishonest practices.
For those interested in gambling, exploring legal betting options such as lotteries, horse racing, and licensed casinos can be safer alternatives. These forms of gambling are regulated, ensuring fair play and protection for participants.
To reduce the negative effects of games like Kalyan Satta, it is essential to promote responsible gambling practices. This includes setting limits on betting amounts, being aware of the risks, and seeking help for gambling addiction. Various organizations offer support and resources for individuals struggling with gambling issues.